150 agents reveal where they got their last 2 listings from

August 23, 20223 min read

If you are a real estate agent, then you know that it is important to have a steady stream of leads coming in. You also know that it can be tough to find good leads sometimes. That's why we decided to survey a group of realtors and ask them where they got their previous two listings from. We wanted to compile the information here so that other realtors could benefit from the findings. Some of the sources are pretty obvious, while others may be more interesting to you. Read on to learn more!

Obvious/Popular ones

  1. By far the most popular way to get listings is from "Past Clients". About 40 agents said past clients or repeat clients. Keeping in touch with them helps increase the chances of you getting the listing.

  2. Next on the list was "Referral". This could be from an agent, a past client referring you to another lead, a lender, or anyone in your sphere of influence. Getting referrals is a great way to get business because it means that someone else has already vouched for you.

  3. The third most popular way to get listings was from the "Sphere (of influence)". This is a broad category, but it generally refers to the people you know. It could be friends, family, co-workers, past schoolmates, or anyone else in your social circle. Getting involved in your community is a great way to meet new people and get more business.

Here are some interesting ones

  1. Mailings. Religiously send out mailings every 3-4 weeks with ONLY information about their street, neighborhood, or zip code. Just send stats. No one cares "I'm the best!!!". They just want to know what's happening in their backyard. IT IS ALL ABOUT THEM, THE SELLER.

  2. Built a relationship with the neighbors from my last listing. 6 months later I have their property listed. 2nd listing came from being in a relationship with other realtors outside of just real estate. A realtor moved on to commercial and asked me to take over his residential listing.

  3. My last two came from noticing residents making improvements that appeared to be readying a home for sale. I stopped and introduced myself and asked for the business. Long story short, I got both listings.

  4. Met the lead 9 years ago at Starbucks with my name badge on… stayed in tough and now was finally the right time to sell

  5. A former classmate I hadn’t seen in decades (we reconnected on Facebook) contacted me to sell his parent's home.

  6. A vet who did acupuncture on my Cavalier the last year of her life.

  7. A lead I had been nurturing for about 5 years. She finally decided to sell and let me help her buy a new house. Follow-up works!

  8. The 1st of the last 2 came from a family member of a friend I made while vacationing in New Zealand several years ago. His family owns a $1 mil+ property in my area and wanted to sell it. The 2nd of the last 2 came from an agent referral. The agent made a post in a group and I was the 1st to reply. That referral came from about 6 weeks prior to listing.

  9. Talking to folks at my garage sale and a neighbor down the street.

Finally, there are some other sources people mentioned but only once or twice. Google Leads, Facebook Leads, Crossfit Gym, cold calling, circle prospecting, FSBO, a lead who responded to an auto text, and relocation department.

Where did you get your last 2 listings from?

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Rohan Attravanam

Founder and CEO of Phodun Digital. Real Estate Lead Generation and Deal finder.

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